Chairman of Eavor’s advisory board, Michael Liebreich quoted in Euractiv’s article – Geothermal: the underground renewable energy source that says it can power Europe. See below.
“Innovations like horizontal drilling and magnetic ranging make drilling easier and cheaper. It also allows workers in oil and gas industries to transfer into renewables without much retraining.
“This gives them this window where the very skills they’ve honed in oil & gas…can potentially be redeployed on this,” said John Redfern, the CEO of Eavor, a geothermal company based in Canada who spoke to Recharge, a trade publication.
“It would be as pretty damn close to the holy grail as you can get… if it can be done at an affordable price,” said Michael Liebreich, the founder of Bloomberg New Energy Finance, who is chairman of Eavor’s advisory board.”