
AIM2Flourish: Eavor named as Finalist in 2022 Flourish Prizes

Eavor was named a finalist in the Flourish Prizes by the Fowler Centre for Business as an Agent of World Benefit.

The Fowler Centre for Business as an Agent for World Benefit is an organization that advocates for a more sustainable future. The organization host an annual award named the Flourish Prizes, to which Eavor was named a finalist for its ‘go-anywhere’ geothermal technology.

AIM2Flourish is an initiative of the Fowler Center for Business as an Agent of World Benefit at the Weatherhead School of Management — Case Western Reserve University. The initiative was set up to connect students with business innovators using Appreciative Inquiry to celebrate business innovations aligned with the UN Global Goals. The 2022 Flourish Prizes finalists include 84 different companies from across the globe to celebrate business innovations.

Eavor’s nomination was written by Michael Salmon, Chandrashekhar Jha, Jose De Paula, Diego Llorens Echegaray, and Jose Luis Alvarez Del Castillo Gomez from EGADE Business School Tecnologico de Monterrey under the direction of Francisco Layrisse.

In their interview with Eavor’s President and CEO, John Redfern, discussed how Eavor’s work to support the energy transition carry’s a multitude of benefits outside of the scope of other renewables.

Notably, the repurposing of oil and gas expertise is an invaluable asset to the energy transition.

“In this case, you have all of these people with valuable complex skills that they’ve sought and can only deploy gas to turn around and say, you can deploy those same skills and still earn a good living”, continued ”working with the ultimate green energy source,” said Redfern in the interview.

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