geothermal technologies

John Redfern’s response to New York Times Article “The Tragedy of Germany’s Energy Experiment”


I am writing you about Jochen Bittner’s opinion piece entitled “The Tragedy of Germany’s Energy Experiment” published in the New York Times on January 8th, 2020. The perception is that there is no reliable alternative for Germany’s soon to be phased out coal and nuclear energy.

In reality there IS a very viable and reliable alternative that can meet Germany’s needs – That solution is Eavor (pronounced “ever”).

Unlike wind, solar or traditional geothermal, Eavor is scalable, green AND baseload. In addition, Eavor achieves this in a distributed manner without the blight of windmills, solar farms and transmission lines littering the landscape. Finally, Eavor has the capacity not only to replace the baseload electricity currently being supplied by coal and nuclear, but it can also support the large German district heating market that is dependent on waste heat from these same soon to be phased out coal plants.

To achieve the above, Eavor is working on a dozen separate potential Eavor projects in Germany right now. Longer-term, they have a detailed German country plan that maps out a future without tragedy – a future that promises energy that is both abundant and carbon free, whether in Germany or around the world.


John Redfern
President +CEO
Eavor Technologies Inc.
Los Angeles, California

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