Eavor has been featured in Rolling Stone, Launching our new Harmony video.
“Wind and solar remain the renewables of choice, but they are only part of the solution says Malcolm Ross The world also needs what some, like Duke Energy, call a “ZELFR”; a Zero-Emitting Load-Following Resource. That’s quite a mouthful, but it just means a clean zero-carbon energy source that can be produced on demand.
Unfortunately, ZELFRs have been few and far between. Low-carbon renewables, like wind and solar, are not available on-demand since they only produce when the wind blows and the sun shines. As a result, coal, gas, nuclear and/or massive storage capacity units (e.g. batteries) are still needed to ensure reliable power. But the ability to be completely green, using ZELFRs, could be on the horizon.
Recently, a start-up called Eavor (pronounced “ever”) developed what may be the world’s first ZELFR capable of operating on a scale similar to oil and gas.”
To watch the video and read the full article visit Rolling Stone