In Plug and Play’s most recent collaborative event about innovative technologies, Yuta Kano and James Heatherington had the opportunity to present Eavor’s technology as an “unconventional geothermal revolution” during the platform’s Climate Tech Innovation showcase.
“I believe that Eavor is the true game-changer for the future of energy,” said Mr. Kano during the presentation.
Mr. Kano is the general manager at the Clean Energy Solution Unit at Chubu Electric power, which is a part of the company’s global business division. He is also a board member of Eavor Technologies and the Managing Director of the Geretsried project.
Heatherington, Vice President of Business Development of Eavor Japan, presented Eavor’s history as a start-up company, Eavor’s world-class team, and the company’s worldly successes in executing prototypes and demonstrations.
Together with Mr. Kano, the presentation showed Eavor’s commercial roadmap for globally scaling closed-loop systems. Furthermore, the advantages of utilizing Eavor’s patented technology was advertised to be an asset in establishing a cost-effective, emission-free, risk-free cleantech.
“Every time you build a new project, you establish a learning curve. That makes future projects more profitable,” said Heatherington.
Watch the video here