A euronews news article encompasses Germany’s overarching goal to invest exponentially more in clean energy while simultaneously cutting off dependance on Russian natural gas.
In the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Berlin is actively exploring strategies to reduce its reliance, one project being the repurposing of a disused airport and remaking it into a geothermal site. This increased push for geothermal production will also align with Germany’s objective to enhance energy independence and sustainability.
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz recently articulated the nation’s aspiration to significantly increase its utilization of geothermal energy by 2030, with a particular focus on district heating. The geopolitical dynamics stemming from the Ukraine conflict have necessitated a substantial reduction in Germany’s dependence on Russian gas, leading to a notable surge in interest, as noted by the German Geothermal Association.
Anike Peters, a Climate and Energy Campaigner for Greenpeace, underscores the imperative of renewable energy in achieving alignment with international climate ambitions like the Paris Agreement. She emphasizes the need for the German government to redirect its investments away from fossil fuels and exert robust efforts in promoting a transition towards 100% renewable energy sources.
Advocates of geothermal energy contend that it represents a pivotal means for Germany to bolster its resource self-sufficiency and energy portfolio.
In this context, Eavor’s newly inaugurated power plant in Geretsried holds particular significance, representing a potentially vital step towards Germany’s net-zero goals. Geoenergy innovations like Eavor’s can provide sustainable and reliable energy, reinforcing commitments to harness more self-sufficient energy sources for Germany and beyond.