
Jeanine Vany Announces the Emerging Innovators Challenge Alongside Minister Schulz

On October 17, 2023, the Minister of Environment and Protected Areas, Rebecca Schulz, announced the Emerging Innovators Challenge (EIC) in conjunction with Emissions Reduction Alberta (ERA) CEO Justin Riemer. The EIC will administer $40 million to support small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) as well as Indigenous communities scale-up, pilot, and demonstrate first-of-a-kind projects that enhance emissions reduction. Previous ERA funding mechanisms akin to the EIC, which Eavor successfully applied for, played an imperative role in commercialization, catalyzing the Eavor-Lite™ prototype near Rocky Mountain House. Jeanine Vany, Eavor’s Executive Vice President of Corporate Affairs, was pleased to validate the importance of this initiative and lend endorsement to the Government of Alberta and ERA.

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