‘Using the Planet to Save the Planet:’ the National Renewable Energy Laboratory’s hot take on geothermal

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory published a comprehensive report on the uses of and momentum behind the rising wave of next-generation geothermal. Written by NREL’s communication project manager Kelly MacGregor, the article is a culmination of six months of immersive research into the world of geothermal and the current projects underway at NREL. Complete with educational infographics, photos of real-world geothermal technology in use, and plenty of blue links to satisfy thoroughly curious readers, the article delves into great detail about the uses, old and new, of earth-based energy. NREL is a laboratory under the US Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Rewenable Energy, and managed by the Alliance for Sustainable Energy LLC. With six national centres and collaborative research facilities across America, 16 research programs involving projects from bioenergy to grid modernization, and nearly 700 patents for proprietary technologies, NREL is undoubtedly a leading energy science institution.