
Boundless – Eavor-Loop™ Climate Impact

Climate impact report

This profile compares Eavor’s geothermal electricity generation technology against competing electricity generation systems, such as large-scale solar systems with integrated battery-energy storage systems (BESSs), with integrated natural gas turbines (NGTs), or with both.

TNO – Eavor-Loop™ Audit Report

Eavor-Loop audit report

Eavor has proposed an innovative well design for geothermal energy production, the Eavor-Loop™ . The Eavor Loop consists of a closed loop system, in which heat is extracted from the deep subsurface through multi lateral wells acting as effective heat exchangers.

Subsurface Characterization Methods for Multilateral Closed Loop Geothermal Systems

The production of heat and electricity from geothermal energy is an old concept and has been around since the early 1900’s. However, many geothermal projects are plagued by high up-front exploration costs, financing difficulties and geological risk of low permeability reservoirs which limits development past the exploration phase.

Case Study of a Multilateral Closed-Loop Geothermal System

Results from a full-scale demonstration project of a multilateral closed-loop geothermal system are presented. The project is located near Sylvan Lake, Alberta, Canada and consists of two 2.5 km long multilateral horizontal wellbores connecting two 2.4 km deep vertical wellbores to create a U-tube shaped closed-loop geothermal system.

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