
Climate Positive Podcast Featuring Jeanine Vany: Eavor-Loop™ – the Underground Underdog

Our very own Jeanine Vany, co-founder and EVP of Corporate Affairs, joined Chad Reed on the Climate Positive Podcast to break down how Eavor’s Closed-Loop solution stands out from traditional geothermal, shares plans for scaling geothermal power, and highlights how next-gen geothermal can serve as baseload clean power. 

Tune in below for an engaging discussion on the clean, carbon-neutral, scalable, baseload power solution.

Episode Description

As the accelerating deployment of variable wind and solar resources pushes us ever closer to Net Zero – or the state whereby we’re not emitting any more greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere than we are simultaneously removing – we increasingly need to deploy both battery storage as well as dispatchable renewable baseload generation. But despite its ability to serve as dispatchable renewable baseload, geothermal energy today accounts for less than 1% of the world’s primary energy supply. 

In this episode, Chad Reed chats with Jeanine Vany, co-founder and executive vice president of corporate affairs at Eavor, a next generation geothermal energy company based in Calgary, Canada. Jeanine adeptly explains how Eavor’s Closed-Loop solution is different and better than traditional geothermal, discusses how Eavor plans to scale its initial projects, details the numerous environmental benefits next generation geothermal can provide and much more. 

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