Geologists Uncovering Areas in the UK with the Greatest Geothermal Potential

The past year has seen greater geothermal development in the UK, including the construction of the first geothermal plant, the launch of the UK’s First National Centre, and promising geological data being collected across central and southern England. Dr. Timothy Kearsey and his team at the British Geological Survey (BGS) have mapped Early Carboniferous limestones (ECLs) in this area, located approximately 4km deep. Kearsey’s research indicates that ECLs have the potential to become an important energy resource, as they offer substantial opportunities for deep geothermal energy. The article also states that energy from these formations has been successfully harnessed in Belgium and the Netherlands for heating networks. However, Kearsey emphasized that while these findings are promising, further research is needed for successful geothermal infrastructure development in the UK.