
Yukon government proposes geothermal development legislation for late 2023

New green energy development legislation is being considered in the Yukon in order to harness the region’s subterranean renewable potential and decrease reliance on fossil fuels by switching to next-generation geothermal energy. CBC Yukon journalist Julien Gignac reported these regulations for geothermal exploration and extraction could be in place as soon as the fall of 2023. The article follows closely on the heels of an October report detailing the predicted impacts of climate change on the Territory’s unique landscape and way of life.

Federal government introduces geothermal education initiative in Nova Scotia

First Nations and rural communities in Nova Scotia are getting ready to turn up the heat on geothermal energy. A new federal program dubbed Community Geothermal Resource Capacity Assessment and Training, or GeoCAT for short, was announced in early November. CBC’s Erin Pottie’s article covering the announcement of the program describes how the $1.3 million budget will be spent to educate stakeholders and community members about the Maritime province’s next-generation geothermal energy potential, and accessible technologies that can be used to access it.

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