New Twist On Geothermal With Roots In Canadian Oilpatch Set To Spread Worldwide Part 4 – Borrowed Technology

A fantastic article posted on the Daily Oil Bulletin written by Maurice Smith, which can be found in full here – Link. The full article is quite long, so we’ve broken it down by section for you, we’ll post a new section each day. —————- This is part of an ongoing DOB series, titled “New Directions, […]
New Twist On Geothermal With Roots In Canadian Oilpatch Set To Spread Worldwide Part 3 – Seeing is Believing

A fantastic article posted on the Daily Oil Bulletin written by Maurice Smith, which can be found in full here – Link. The full article is quite long, so we’ve broken it down by section for you, we’ll post a new section each day. —————- This is part of an ongoing DOB series, titled “New Directions, […]
New Twist On Geothermal With Roots In Canadian Oilpatch Set To Spread Worldwide Part 2 – The Technology

A fantastic article posted on the Daily Oil Bulletin written by Maurice Smith, which can be found in full here – Link. The full article is quite long, so we’ve broken it down by section for you, we’ll post a new section each day. —————- This is part of an ongoing DOB series, titled “New Directions, […]
New Twist On Geothermal With Roots In Canadian Oilpatch Set To Spread Worldwide Part 1 – Introduction

A fantastic article posted on the Daily Oil Bulletin written by Maurice Smith, which can be found in full here – Link. The full article is quite long, so we’ve broken it down by section for you, we’ll post a new section each day. —————- This is part of an ongoing DOB series, titled “New Directions, […]
The impact of geothermal energy on air pollution and climate in Italy.

The use of this kind of geothermal allows for cutting pollutants and CO2 emissions not only in Italy but throughout Europe, explains the European Environment Agency Geothermal saves lives but Eavor, saves even more lives. Read the article below
Eavor mentioned in Canada West Foundation’s Energy Innovation Brief, Issue 04

We’re very proud to be mentioned in Canada West Foundation’s Energy Innovation Brief, Issue 04. See an excerpt below and read the full post here – Click Link “In Western Canada and around the world, the energy sector is rapidly transforming to one that promises to be cleaner, greener and more efficient. Each month, the Canada […]
Eavor CEO John Redfern Responds To CBC OPINION | “For Alberta, the potential of geothermal energy is clear, if it’s done right”

I am writing in response to “OPINION | For Alberta, the potential of geothermal energy is clear, if it’s done right” published recently in on CBC: An opinion column from Sara Hastings-Simon, a research fellow at the School of Public Policy at the University of Calgary, and Brendan Haley, the policy director for Efficiency […]
Danielle Smith – Canadian Oil Service Sector Joins Forces to Support the Emerging Canadian Geothermal Industry

Guest: John Redfern, CEO of Eavor
Eavor Technologies and Enex Power target revival of Geretsried geothermal project in Germany

We’re always proud to be featured in Think GeoEnergy “Canadian Eavor Technologies and Enex Power Germany have signed a letter of intent to jointly revive the Geretstried geothermal project in Bavaria, Germany utilizing Eavor’s Eavor-Loop (TM) technology for generating heat and power.” Read the full article here.
Redefining The Face Of Energy, Transforming Alberta’s Oil And Gas Industry And Making Geothermal History In Canada

“Finding herself drawn to the fast-paced environment at the core of the energy industry, Jeanine started her career in reservoir characterization and drilling in the oil sands. In 2017, Jeanine began applying her expertise to analyzing emerging plays, geothermal project assessments, and geothermal policy. A common thread apparent throughout her journey towards her groundbreaking work […]
Going Underground: Made-in-Alberta Geothermal Solution Has The Potential To Go Global

“A first of its kind geothermal energy solution is up and running in central Alberta, and its developers say it’s ready for commercialization worldwide. Initiated last August about 200 kilometers north of Calgary, the $10-million Eavor-Lite Demonstration test facility is “running on its own exactly as expected,” says John Redfern, CEO of Eavor Technologies.” Read […]
Eavor Technology Reports That Eavor-loop Scalable Geothermal Technology Has Been Approved

We have been featured in the Jeothermal Haberler. A Leader in Geothermal Energy Research and News from Turkey View the full article here